Facing MBC Together Created a Space for Patients to Feel Less Alone
Working closely with patients, we shaped a way to help them address their sense of isolation.
Speaker 1:
People living with metastatic breast cancer go through a roller coaster of emotions: isolation, determination, depression. Because MBC is a disease without a cure. There are no survivor tattoos. What they need is a place to process their feelings, find support, and discover people who know what they’re going through and how to cope. So we made sure they had that.
Introducing “Facing MBC Together,” an experience full of real patients, being real about living with MBC. They even helped us create it, sharing what they needed and weighing in along the way. Blending meaningful information with authentic empathy. There’s no sugar-coating. Just the good, the bad, and the in-between. Real stories that resonate. Personalized support. Even tips for caregivers. And it was exactly what patients wanted.
With FacingMBCTogether.com, we shined a light on isolation and all the ways to move past it.
People living with metastatic breast cancer (MBC) face a difficult journey. In part because MBC has no cure, but also because there isn’t as much understanding or awareness as there is about other cancers. These patients go through a rollercoaster of emotions: isolation, determination, depression. They needed a place where they could find validation for their feelings, others who knew what they were facing, and support on their own terms.
With FacingMBCTogether.com, we gave them that place: an experience full of real patients being real about living with MBC. Patients even helped us create it, inspiring the meaningful information, dramatic design, and insightful language. No sugar coating, just the good … the bad … and the in-between. All so patients could discover real understanding, personalized support — and a way to feel less alone.
A website filled with empathy, support, and encouragement; it was just what patients needed.
“The site gives me hope.”
“I love that there is something to try to make MBC patients’ lives better.”
“Providing what we really want and need.”
14,443 sessions
2,400+ page views
91% new visitor rate
3 minutes, 29 seconds: avg time viewing MBC info
3 minutes 43 seconds: avg time viewing stories/videos
With FacingMBCTogether.com, we shined a light on isolation—and all the ways to move past it.