June 27, 2024

Beyond the Data: Unleashing Creativity in HCP Marketing

In today’s crowded market, even the most compelling medical innovations risk being overlooked if they fail to stand out.

Most healthcare marketers believe that the best way to break through is by way of cold, hard medical claims over creative assets such as taglines, distinctive visuals and sonic branding. However, our research suggests that these distinctive assets are crucial for brand recognition among HCPs. In other words, your brand’s distinctive assets matter as much as your brand’s clinical data.

EVERSANA INTOUCH’s Strategic Planning team explored two critical questions: Do distinctive visuals, characters and celebrities drive better recognition among HCPs than logos and taglines? And are pharmaceutical companies leveraging these assets effectively?

To test this theory, we turned to one of the most data-driven, high-science, crowded categories in pharma today: oncology. Oncologists typically work in community settings, across multiple tumor types. Research has shown that they inundated with messages from more than 115 oncology brands at a time. They’re drowning in brand messaging.

In this POV, we present our survey findings and offer three actionable insights for pharma marketers to ensure that their breakthrough medicines genuinely connect with HCPs. Access the complete POV for more details.

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