September 10, 2024

With Ads on Threads, Is It Time for an All-Meta Strategy?

Image of threads and meta logos

Before the end of 2024, Meta’s microblogging platform Threads will feature advertising. Why should you be interested?  

For one reason, Threads is far less controversial than the platform once known as Twitter, with a focus on proactive moderation, inclusive behavior and brand safety.  

For another, the entire Meta ecosystem offers cross-platform benefits for advertisers hoping to gain reach and engagement across Threads, Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp.  

In a recent article published on Med Ad News /, Justin Chase, Executive Vice President, EVERSANA INTOUCH Media, discusses this topic, covering those points and several more.  

Read his full article to learn more about the benefits of using Meta’s buying platform – including exactly how much cost savings the EVERSANA INTOUCH Media buying team estimates advertisers can find, and how (hint: it’s a lot).   

Read it in full at As Threads introduces ads, it’s time for advertisers to consider an all-Meta strategy