August 28, 2024

Content Velocity: Mastering the Three Pillars of Success

Content velocity – getting more relevant, personalized content to more of your audience faster – is a goal for all life science marketers, but it’s a concept rife with misconceptions.

One common mistake is thinking it’s just about making more content faster. Another error is thinking it’s simply a matter of plugging in a single tech or AI solution. And a third common oversight is when brands don’t evolve their ways of thinking and working to continue to maximize their content velocity.

There are three equal parts to solving content velocity: creation, review and distribution. And the real solution to addressing all three is in time-tested human expertise that creates purpose-built platforms and evolved ways of working that fit our complex industry. In this POV, we discuss each of the three elements of content velocity, review their common pitfalls and explain how AI-powered, expert-built solutions are changing the game for marketers in life sciences.

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