We recently announced the launch of our newest full-service affiliate, EVERSANA INTOUCH Healthware. This dynamic full-service affiliate, born from the recent acquisition of Healthware Group, extends our global footprint to meet clients where they need us.
The launch expands our global expertise, presence and capabilities to propel the future of life science marketing. The new affiliate helps pharmaceutical, medical device and emerging biotech companies launch products globally, expand market access and solve unique geographic and market-specific challenges.
Fulvio Fortini, SVP, Managing Director, Head of Affiliate, shares his excitement about the new affiliate: “In this pivotal integration phase, we’ve harmonized something truly distinctive. By combining our rich legacy and Healthware brand positioning with EVERSANA INTOUCH’s expertise as an AOR, we’re poised for remarkable achievements in the realm of healthcare.”
Our EVERSANA INTOUCH Healthware colleagues gathered in the office to celebrate the launch. With offices now spanning continents, EVERSANA INTOUCH Healthware thrives on diversity, drawing inspiration from different cultures, perspectives and experiences.
“Seeing our long-standing partnership rise to the next level after seven years was a moment of great pride and a tribute to everybody’s hard work and incredible energy throughout the journey,” said Ariel Salmang, SVP, Managing Director, Global Strategic Development. “I very much look forward to the even greater things we’ll accomplish, now that we are all part of the same mission and vision.”
We look forward to embarking on this next chapter working closely with our European team, building relationships, learning from one another and creating a healthier world for all. Looking to join a global agency network? View our open positions here.