It’s officially Diwali, a 5-day festival celebrated by those of Hindu, Jain and Sikh faiths. The holiday commemorates a collection of stories, but more generally that good triumphs over evil.
We sat down with two EVERSANA INTOUCH teammates and asked them to share what they love most about this time of year.
Senior Developer Shefali Shrungarpawar says, “It’s the best time of the year. My family and I celebrate with common traditions such as performing rituals and prayers, lighting diyas (clay lamps), and decorating our home with marigold garlands and the entrance with rangoli (crushed and colored chalk designs).”
“We celebrate for 5 days, but it’s really like a month-long season of preparation and planning (like Christmas!),” says QC Team Lead, Khushboo Agrawal. Generally, festivities start a month before with Navratri (similar to Thanksgiving). We cook traditional foods, clean, decorate and light up the house. We buy new clothes, light diyas, worship, and meet up with our friends and families. We seek the blessings of our gods and elders. We also do fireworks and crackers. We present our symbols of knowledge (accounting books, kids’ notebooks) on an altar to seek the gods’ blessings for a good financial and academic year.”

Shefali and her family celebrating Diwali!
Want to read more amazing Diwali traditions? Check out the full blog post on