Every quarter, EVERSANA INTOUCH employees gather for a town hall coined “Faruk (and friends) Answers Questions” (FAQ). Faruk Capan, CEO, EVERSANA INTOUCH and Chief Innovation Officer, EVERSANA, hosts this virtual forum alongside agency leaders to provide employee and team recognition, business updates, cultural initiatives and more.
What makes this quarterly town hall unique from others is the transparent format of the FAQ. Prior to every FAQ, employees have the opportunity to submit questions to have addressed during the town hall. This empowers employees to ask questions about the company that are top of mind and promotes a culture of two-way communication between employees and leadership. In return for their honest questions, employees receive honest answers.
“I look forward to the FAQ each quarter. It’s a time where I feel like leadership is honest and transparent with us. It’s also nice to hear and see Faruk directly.”
– Senior Account Director
“The quarterly FAQ is insightful and offers an opportunity to voice questions and get answers from leadership! It’s great to see that they truly value their employees by allowing time for them to get their questions answered.”
– Marketing Coordinator
“I enjoy [the FAQ] and I make sure to block off my calendar to listen in. It’s the easiest way for me to continue learning more about the company.”
– Senior Analyst
At EVERSANA INTOUCH, we pride ourselves on our culture of transparency. It is important that our employees’ voices are heard and valued. Sound like a place you want to work? Join our team by checking out our careers page!