
Company Footprint

footprint in sand with flowers

We are committed to developing and maintaining sustainable, responsible practices throughout our operations. Our policies and management systems ensure the safe handling, movement, storage, recycling, reuse and management of waste, air emissions and wastewater discharges. As part of our commitment, we aim to:

  • decrease energy consumption related to our business operations;
  • increase energy efficiency and energy procured from renewable sources;
  • reduce total water withdrawal, particularly in areas projected to be in water stress;
  • minimize waste generated by our activities; and
  • maximize recycling efforts across our offices.

To help us achieve these goals, we have implemented a variety of sustainable features and initiatives across our office locations, including:

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Sustainable features and initiatives
Sustainable procurement
  • We source, design, and build with US Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standards, whenever feasible, including all interior office furnishings, acoustical installations, infrastructure enhancements, new construction decisions, and purchases.
  • We use cork tile flooring in our cafes and breakrooms and carpeting made from highly recycled content at most locations.
  • Local sourcing and eco-options are strongly encouraged for all purchasing decisions.
Waste reduction
  • During construction projects, we reuse existing walls, doors, and casework.
  • We have active recycling and food composting programs in our office kitchens and cafes.
  • All breakrooms and kitchens use compostable bowls, cups, and utensils.
  • Small portable electronics, such as cell phones, tablets, handheld power tools, and miniature laptops or computers and battery recycling bins are located throughout our facilities.
Water conservation
  • Our restrooms utilize hands-free, low-flow, and low-flush plumbing fixtures.
Energy efficiency
  • We install LED and other energy-efficient lighting in all fixtures and have motion detectors in private offices and public areas.
  • Our appliances are ENERGY STAR®certified.

About our Environmental Commitment
We operate in a responsible and efficient manner to minimize adverse impacts to the environment. Our employees and suppliers are encouraged to conserve natural resources, reduce harmful emissions, and engage in activities that reuse and recycle. By integrating sound environmental management practices into our business, we can provide innovative services while protecting and enhancing resources for future generations.